Title: The Chicken Keeper's Journal: An Illustrated Register for Your Chicken Keeping Adventures, Author: Editors of Quarry Books
Title: The Backyard Vintner: An Enthusiast's Guide to Growing Grapes and Making Wine at Home, Author: Jim Law
Title: The Backyard Blacksmith: Traditional Techniques for the Modern Smith, Author: Lorelei Sims
Title: Mice, Author: Kate Riggs
Title: The Home Orchard Handbook: A Complete Guide to Growing Your Own Fruit Trees Anywhere, Author: Cem Akin
Title: Frogs, Author: Yali Wang
Title: Chipmunk at Hollow Tree Lane (Smithsonian's Backyard Series), Author: Victoria Sherrow
Title: Robins, Author: Kate Riggs
Title: Squirrels, Author: Lindsy J. O'Brien