Title: Chuck Close: Work, Author: Christopher Finch
Title: Norman Rockwell: 332 Magazine Covers, Author: Christopher Finch
Title: John Fincher, Author: John Fincher
Title: Charley Harper's Animal Kingdom, Author: Charley Harper
Title: Georgia O'Keeffe and Her Houses: Ghost Ranch and Abiquiu, Author: Barbara Buhler Lynes
Title: Telling Stories: Norman Rockwell from the Collections of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, Author: Virginia Mecklenburg
Title: Painters of Utah's Canyons and Deserts, Author: Donna L Poulton
Title: Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Collection, Author: Barbara Buhler Lynes
Title: Orville Bulman: An Enchanted Life and Fantastic Legacy, Author: Deborah C. Pollack
Title: Classic Hopi and Zuni Kachina Figures, Author: Barton Wright
Title: The Art of Bev Doolittle, Author: Bev Doolittle