Audiobooks FAQs

Digital audiobooks are now part of the new Barnes & Noble NOOK App. Download it today via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. If you already have the NOOK App downloaded, simply update to the newest version to gain access to your Audiobooks Digital Library. You can also access your Digital Library when you sign in to

Sign up for a B&N Audiobooks subscription to receive one credit every month to redeem for your audiobook purchases.

With a subscription priced lower than the cost of most audiobooks, using B&N Audiobooks subscription credits can save you money! Once received, credits are valid for one year while you remain an active subscriber and can be used to redeem for eligible audiobooks.

We’ve already brought your NOOK Audiobooks Digital Library to our new app. Just sign in and start listening!

Please note that we have transferred your NOOK Audiobooks Digital Library to a account based on the email address you used for your NOOK Audiobooks account. If you have an existing account with an email address that’s different from the one you used for NOOK Audiobooks, please contact Customer Service for further assistance.