Title: John Steinbeck: The Voice of the Land, Author: Keith Ferrell
Title: Too Young to Fight: Memories from Our Youth During World War II, Author: Priscilla Galloway
Title: Amelia Earhart: Young Air Pioneer, Author: Jane Moore Howe
Title: The Story of My Life: The Restored Classic, Author: Helen Keller
Title: The Merchant of Venice, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Pig Boy's Wicked Bird, Author: Doug Crandell
Title: Weeds in Bloom: Autobiography of an Ordinary Man, Author: Robert Newton Peck
Title: Don't Kill Santa, Author: Donald Davis
Title: Mythmaker: The Life of J.R.R. Tolkien, Creator of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Author: Anne E. Neimark
Title: A Child's Christmas in Wales, Author: Dylan Thomas
Title: The Distance Between Us: Young Readers Edition, Author: Reyna Grande