Title: The Essential Hoof Book: The Complete Modern Guide to Horse Feet - Anatomy, Care and Health, Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Author: Steve Swell's Slammin' the Infinite
Hardcover $36.56 $39.95 Current price is $36.56, Original price is $39.95.
Title: Making Natural Hoof Care Work for You: A Hands-on Manual for Natural Hoof Care, Author: Pete Ramey
Title: Founder: Prevention and Cure the Natural Way, Author: Jaime Jackson
Title: Hoof Care for Horses: (Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-277), Author: Henry Heymering C.J.F.
eBook $3.59 $3.95 Current price is $3.59, Original price is $3.95.
Title: Equine Podiatry - E-Book, Author: Andrea Floyd
Title: Horse Owners Guide to Natural Hoof Care, Author: Jaime Jackson
Title: Natural Horse: Foundations for Natural Horsemanship, Author: Jaime Jackson
Title: Horse Hoof Care: Healthy Hoof Care Practices, Horseshoeing, Hoof Handling, Working with Farriers and Vets, Author: Cherry Hill