Title: America's National Park Commemorative Quarters (2010-2021), Author: Littleton Coin Company Staff
Title: Lincoln Memorial Cent 1999 - Date, Author: Littleton
Title: Picker's Pocket Guide U.S. Coins & Currency: How to Pick Antiques Like a Pro, Author: Arlyn Sieber
Title: Mercury Dimes, 1916-1945, Author: Littleton Coin Company Staff
Title: The Official Red Book: A Guide of Washington and State Quarters, Author: Q. David Bowers
Title: Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins, Author: Q. David Bowers
Title: Jefferson Nickels 1970-2015: Collector's Jefferson Nickels Folder, Author: Warman's
Title: United States Quarters Collector's Folder 1999-2009: Denver & Philadelphia Mints, Author: Sterling Publishing Co.
Title: State Series Quarters Complete Coin Set: 1999-2009 (Philadelphia & Denver Mints), Author: Whitman Publishing Staff
Title: Washington Quarters: State Collection 1999-2003, Author: H. Staff of H.E. Harris & Company
Title: The Official Red Book, A Guide Book of US Coins Mega 2018, Author: Nightmares in Wax
Title: Guide Book of US Mint, Author: David Bowers
Title: Lincoln Cent 1941 - 1974 Coin Folder, Author: Staff of H. E. Harris & Co.
Title: Whitman Statehood Series Quarter Map, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: Kennedy Half Dollars: 1964-85: Volume One, Author: Littleton
Title: Jefferson Nickel, 1962 - 1995 Folder, Author: H. E. Harris & Co. Staff
Title: Franklin Half Dollar 1948 - 63, Author: Littleton
Title: Washington Quarters: State Collection: 2004-2008, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: Jefferson Nickel 1938 - 1961 Folder, Author: H. E. Harris & Co. Staff
Title: National Park Quarters Collector's Map: With Limited Release

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