Title: German Idealist Philosophy, Author: Various
Title: System Of Transcendental Idealism (1800), Author: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Title: Hegel in 90 Minutes, Author: Paul Strathern
Title: German Idealism: The Struggle against Subjectivism, 1781-1801, Author: Frederick C. BEISER
eBook $37.49 $39.00 Current price is $37.49, Original price is $39.00.
Title: German Ideology / Edition 1, Author: Karl Marx
Title: German Idealism and the Concept of Punishment, Author: Jean-Christophe Merle
Title: Schelling and the End of Idealism, Author: Dale E. Snow
Title: The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism, Author: Karl Ameriks
Title: German Idealism and the Jew: The Inner Anti-Semitism of Philosophy and German Jewish Responses, Author: Michael Mack
Title: Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism, Author: Kristin Gjesdal
Explore Series
eBook $21.99 $28.00 Current price is $21.99, Original price is $28.00.
Title: Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism, Author: Markus Gabriel
eBook $25.49 $26.99 Current price is $25.49, Original price is $26.99.
Title: Idealism without Absolutes(SUNY Series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory): Philosophy and Romantic Culture, Author: Tilottama Rajan
eBook $24.95 $50.00 Current price is $24.95, Original price is $50.00.
Title: Challenges to German Idealism: Schelling, Fichte and Kant, Author: Believeology Enterprises
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Hardcover $104.00 $135.00 Current price is $104.00, Original price is $135.00.