Title: Polymer Clay Art Jewelry: How to Make Polymer Clay Jewelry Projects Using New Techniques, Author: Ilysa Ginsburg
Title: The Absolute Beginners Guide: Working with Polymer Clay, Author: Lori Wilkes
Paperback $16.50 $21.95 Current price is $16.50, Original price is $21.95.
Title: Ancient Modern: Polymer Clay And Wire Jewelry, Author: Ronna Weltman
eBook $10.99 $17.95 Current price is $10.99, Original price is $17.95.
Title: Patterns in Polymer: Imprint and Accent Bead Techniques, Author: Julie Picarello
Title: The Art of Jewelry: Polymer Clay: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration, Author: Katherine Duncan Aimone
Paperback $16.99 $19.95 Current price is $16.99, Original price is $19.95.
Title: Clay So Cute!: 25 Polymer Clay Projects for Cool Charms, Itty-Bitty Animals, and Tiny Treasures, Author: Sherri Haab
Title: Polymer Pizzazz (PagePerfect NOOK Book), Author: Editors of Bead&Button Magazine
eBook $11.49 $19.95 Current price is $11.49, Original price is $19.95.
Title: The Art of Jewelry: Polymer Clay, Author: Katherine Duncan Aimone
Title: Steampunk Emporium: Creating Fantastical Jewelry, Devices and Oddments from Assorted Cogs, Gears and Curios, Author: Jema
eBook $18.49 $27.99 Current price is $18.49, Original price is $27.99.
Title: Perfectly Paired: Designing Jewelry With Polymer and Metal Clays (PagePerfect NOOK Book), Author: Patricia Kimle
eBook $12.49 $21.95 Current price is $12.49, Original price is $21.95.