Title: The Guilty Innocent, Author: Shannon Adamcik
Title: Juvenile Justice : A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice / Edition 8, Author: Steven M. Cox
Title: They Had No Voice: My Fight for Alabama's Forgotten Children, Author: Denny Abbott
Title: Teen Gambling: Understanding a Growing Epidemic, Author: Jeffrey L. Derevensky
Title: A Parent's Guide to Juvenile Defense in Georgia: For Parents, Counselors, Advocates, Educators, Clergy, Author: Kathryn Boortz
Title: After the Doors Were Locked: A History of Youth Corrections in California and the Origins of Twenty-First Century Reform, Author: Daniel E. Macallair
Title: The Development of Persistent Criminality, Author: Joanne Savage
eBook $54.99 $79.99 Current price is $54.99, Original price is $79.99.
Title: U.S. Criminal Procedure Law 2012 (U.S.C. Title 18 - Annotated), Author: United States Government
Title: Kids Who Commit Adult Crimes: Serious Criminality by Juvenile Offenders, Author: R.Barri Flowers
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Alabama Edition, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondchance,com
Title: Erasing Your Criminal Background Legally: Louisiana Edition The Ultimate Guide to Second Chances, Author: Daniel Hall at UltimateSecondChance.com

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