Title: When the Body Is the Target: Self-Harm, Pain, and Traumatic Attachments / Edition 1, Author: Sharon Klayman Farber
Title: Self-Injury: When Pain Feels Good, Author: Edward T. Welch
Title: Self-Injury: Psychotherapy with People Who Engage in Self-Inflicted Violence, Author: Robin E. Connors
Title: Understanding Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Origins, Assessment, and Treatment, Author: Matthew Nock
Title: Bodies under Siege: Self-mutilation, Nonsuicidal Self-injury, and Body Modification in Culture and Psychiatry, Author: Armando R. Favazza MD MPH
Title: Violent Adolescents: Understanding the Destructive Impulse, Author: Lynn Greenwood
Title: Adolescent Self-Injury: A Comprehensive Guide for Counselors and Health Care Professionals, Author: Amelio D'Onofrio
eBook $40.49 $74.99 Current price is $40.49, Original price is $74.99.
Title: Hidden Self-Harm: Narratives from Psychotherapy, Author: Maggie Turp
eBook $18.49 $32.95 Current price is $18.49, Original price is $32.95.
Title: Parasuicidality and Paradox: Breaking Through the Medical Model, Author: Ross D. Ellenhorn
Title: Treating Self-Injury, Second Edition: A Practical Guide, Author: Barent W. Walsh PhD
eBook $87.99 $100.00 Current price is $87.99, Original price is $100.00.
Title: Self-injurious Behavior: Analysis, Assessment, and Treatment, Author: James K. Luiselli
Title: Cutting and the Pedagogy of Self-Disclosure, Author: Jeffrey Berman
Title: Suicide Assessment and Treatment: Empirical and Evidence-Based Practices, Author: Dana Alonzo
Title: Preventing Suicide and Other Self-Harm in Prison / Edition 1, Author: Greg E. Dear
Hardcover $101.83 $115.00 Current price is $101.83, Original price is $115.00.