Title: Writing Lessons To Meet the Common Core: Grade 1: 18 Easy Step-by-Step Lessons With Models and Writing Frames That Guide All Students to Succeed, Author: Linda Beech
Title: Teaching Real-Life Nonfiction Reading Skills in the K-1 Classroom: High-Interest Lessons and Activities That Teach Essential Nonfiction Reading Strategies and Meet the Common Core State Standards (PagePerfect NOOK Book), Author: Barbara Pinto
Title: Writing Lessons To Meet the Common Core: Grade 6: 18 Easy Step-by-Step Lessons With Models and Writing Frames That Guide All Students to Succeed, Author: Linda Beech
Title: Writing Lessons To Meet the Common Core: Grade 4: 18 Easy Step-by-Step Lessons With Models and Writing Frames That Guide All Students to Succeed, Author: Linda Beech
Title: How to Differentiate Your Math Instruction, Grades K-5 Multimedia Resource: Lessons, Ideas, and Videos, Grades K-5, Author: Linda Dacey
Title: Closing the Gap between Risk and Resilience: How Struggling Learners Can Cope with the Common Core State Standards, Author: Harriet D. Porton
Title: Writing Lessons To Meet the Common Core: Grade 5: 18 Easy Step-by-Step Lessons With Models and Writing Frames That Guide All Students to Succeed, Author: Linda Beech
Title: Poetry Lessons to Meet the Common Core State Standards: Exemplar Poems With Engaging Lessons and Response Activities That Help Students Read, Understand, and Appreciate Poetry, Author: Georgia Heard
Title: Writing Lessons To Meet the Common Core: Grade 2: 18 Easy Step-by-Step Lessons With Models and Writing Frames That Guide All Students to Succeed, Author: Linda Beech
Title: Closing the Gap Between Risk and Resilience: How Struggling Learners Can Cope with the Common Core State Standards, Author: Harriet D Porton
Title: Essential Common Core Learning Strategies, Author: Monica Sevilla
Title: Teaching STEM and Common Core with Mentor Texts: Collaborative Lesson Plans, K-5: Collaborative Lesson Plans, K-5, Author: Anastasia Suen
Title: Google Apps Meets Common Core, Author: Michael J. Graham
Title: Writing Lessons To Meet the Common Core: Grade 3: 18 Easy Step-by-Step Lessons With Models and Writing Frames That Guide All Students to Succeed, Author: Linda Beech
Title: 100 Lesson Starters for Algebra I, Common Core State Standards, Author: Vanessa Sylvester