Title: Flood Stage and Rising, Author: Jane Varley
Title: Grass of the Earth: Immigrant Life in the Dakota Country, Author: Aagot Raaen
Title: Citizens as Soldiers: A History of the North Dakota National Guard, Author: Jerry Cooper
Title: Women of the Northern Plains: Gender and Settlement on the Homestead Frontier, Author: Barbara Handy-Marchello
Title: Going It Alone: Fargo Grapples with the Great Depression, Author: David B. Danbom
Title: Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail, Author: Theodore Roosevelt
Title: History of North Dakota, Author: Elwyn B. Robinson
Title: The Pearson Girls: A Family Memoir of the Dakota Plains, Author: Kathy L. Plotkin
Paperback $15.76 $16.95 Current price is $15.76, Original price is $16.95.
Title: From the Banat to North Dakota: A History of the German-Hungarian Pioneers in Western North Dakota, Author: David Dreyer
Title: Red River Rising: The Anatomy of a Flood and the Survival of an American City, Author: Ashley Shelby
Title: Women of the Northern Plains: Gender and Settlement on the Homestead Frontier, 1870-1930 / Edition 1, Author: Barbara Handy-Marchello
Title: Magnificent Churches on the Prairie: A Story of Immigrant Priests, Builders and Homesteaders, Author: James Coomber
Title: For the Love of North Dakota and Other Essays: Sundays with Clay in the Bismarck Tribune, Author: Clay S. Jenkinson
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Title: The Checkered Years: A Bonanza Farm Diary, 1884-88, Author: Gazosa
Title: Stepping Twice Into the River: Following Dakota Waters, Author: Robert King
Paperback $18.64 $21.95 Current price is $18.64, Original price is $21.95.