Title: Time Trap: The Time Trap Series - Book One, Author: Deborah Chester
Title: A Man of Shadows, Author: Jeff Noon
#1 in Series
Title: From Time to Time, Author: Constantin Silvestri
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Title: Dawn of the Sentinel, Author: Richard Blackburn
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Title: New Pompeii, Author: Daniel Godfrey
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Title: Crimson Timelines, Author: Various Authors
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Title: Return of the Sentinel (Book 2 Guardians of the Gate), Author: Richard Blackburn
Title: The Time of Humanity, Author: Constantin Silvestri
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Title: Continuum: Time Rep, Author: Peter Ward
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Title: Showdown: The Time Trap Series - Book Two, Author: Deborah Chester
Title: The King of Russia, Author: Andrew Bazzi
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Title: Empire of Time, Author: Daniel Godfrey
#2 in Series
Title: Pieces of Eight: The Time Trap Series - Book Three, Author: Deborah Chester
Title: The Burning Page (Invisible Library Series #3), Author: Genevieve Cogman
Title: A Sterkarm Tryst, Author: Susan Price
#3 in Series
Title: Time and Time Again, Author: Constantin Silvestri
#3 in Series
Title: Restoration: The Time Trap Series - Book Four, Author: Deborah Chester
Title: Turncoat: The Time Trap Series - Book Five, Author: Deborah Chester
Title: Termination: The Time Trap Series - Book Six, Author: Deborah Chester
Title: From the Depths of Time - Part One, Author: Constantin Silvestri

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