Title: Zona Uno, Author: Colson Whitehead
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Title: Contraluz (Against the Day), Author: Thomas Pynchon
Title: Sunset Park (en español), Author: Paul Auster
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Title: Bella María de mi alma (Beautiful Maria of My Soul), Author: Oscar Hijuelos
Title: Sale el espectro (Exit Ghost), Author: Philip Roth
Title: A propósito de Abbott (Abbott Awaits), Author: Chris Bachelder
Title: La humillación (The Humbling), Author: Philip Roth
Title: La vida interior de Martin Frost, Author: Paul Auster
Title: El rey pálido (The Pale King), Author: David Foster Wallace
Title: La noche del oráculo (Oracle Night), Author: Paul Auster
Title: Todavía no me quieres (You Don't Love Me Yet), Author: Jonathan Lethem
Title: Brooklyn Follies (en español), Author: Paul Auster
Title: Las correcciones, Author: Jonathan Franzen
Title: Un lugar llamado Nada, Author: Amy Tan
Title: Noche de difuntos, Author: Suart ONan
Title: La hija del sepulturero, Author: Joyce Carol Oates
Title: Sueños de trenes (Train Dreams), Author: Denis Johnson
Title: Que nadie se mueva (Nobody Move), Author: Denis Johnson

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