Title: The Financier, Author: Theodore Dreiser
Explore Series
Title: The Financier, Author: Theodore Dreiser
Title: The Titan, Author: Theodore Dreiser
Title: A Deal in Wheat, and other Stories of the New and Old West, Author: Frank Norris
Title: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Writings About New York (Barnes & Noble Classics Series), Author: Stephen Crane
Title: The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War, Author: Stephen Crane
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Title: The Red Badge of Courage (with an Introduction by William Targ), Author: Stephen Crane
Title: McTeague: A Story of San Francisco, Author: Frank Norris
Title: Sister Carrie, Author: Theodore Dreiser
Title: Sister Carrie, Author: Theodore Dreiser
Title: Maggie, A Girl of the Streets, Author: Stephen Crane
Title: Jennie Gerhardt, Author: Theodore Dreiser
Title: Engineering Drawing with a Primer on AutoCAD, Author: Stephen Crane
Title: The Octopus: A Story of California, Author: Frank Norris
Title: The Open Boat, Author: Stephen Crane
Title: The Red Badge of Courage and Other Stories (Word Cloud Classics), Author: Stephen Crane
Title: Maggie, Author: Stephen Crane
Title: The Pit (Barnes & Noble Digital Library), Author: Frank Norris
Title: Vandover and the Brute, Author: Frank Norris

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