Title: Kinship Caregivers and the Child Welfare System, Author: United States. Children's Bureau
Title: Guideline for Drug Courts on Screening and Assessment, Author: Roger H. Peters
Title: Child Abuse Pocket Atlas, Volume 1: Skin Injuries, Author: Fixx
Title: Failure to Flourish: How Law Undermines Family Relationships, Author: Clare Huntington
eBook $8.49 $9.99 Current price is $8.49, Original price is $9.99.
Title: A.W.O.L.: How to Escape the Juvenile Justice System and Experience Inner Peace, Author: T.M. Caufield
Title: The Role of Educators in Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect, Author: Office on Child Abuse and Neglect
Title: State Recognition of Intercountry Adoptions Finalized Abroad: Summary of State Laws Current Through August 2008 Intercountry, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Substance Abuse Specialists in Child Welfare Agencies and Dependency Courts: Considerations for Program Designers and Evaluators, Author: National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
Title: Providing Background Information to Adoptive Parents, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: DTV Delay Act, Author: JD P
Title: Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, Author: JD P
Title: Childism, Author: Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
Title: Parental Substance Use and the Child Welfare System, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: The Role of Law Enforcement in the Response to Child Abuse and Neglect, Author: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Title: Child Protection Services That Are Available: How To Improve Your Child's Safety By Using Child Internet Protection, Child Citizen Protection Act, Today’s Child Protection Laws, UK and USA Child Protection Laws and New Technology for Child Protec, Author: Amy D. Hoover
Title: Who Takes This Child?: A Parents' Guide to Child Protection in Canada, Author: Allan Dare Pearce
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Title: Military Families Considering Adoption, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Grounds for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights, Author: Child Welfare Information Gatewa
Title: The Importance of Fathers in the Healthy Development of Children, Author: Office on Child Abuse and Neglect

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