Title: Titans Hunt (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Dan Abnett
Title: Tiny Titans: Sidekickin' It! (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Art Baltazar
Title: Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse (2014-) #6 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Art Baltazar
Title: Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse (2014-) #5 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Franco
Title: Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse (2014-) #3 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Franco
Title: Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse #2 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Franco
Title: Tiny Titans: Return to the Treehouse #1 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Franco
Title: Tiny Titans Vol. 8: Aw Yeah Titans!, Author: Art Baltazar
Title: Tiny Titans Vol. 5: Field Trippin', Author: Franco Baltazar
Title: The New Teen Titans: Games (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans Annual (1982-) #2, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #9, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #8, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #7, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #5, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #4, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #3, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1984-) #2, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #12, Author: Marv Wolfman
Title: The New Teen Titans (1980-) #11, Author: Marv Wolfman

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