Title: So the Witch Won't Eat Me: Fantasy and the Child's Fear of Infanticide, Author: Dorothy Bloch
Title: Healing a Child's Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas for Families, Friends and Caregivers, Author: Alan D. Wolfelt
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eBook $8.49 $9.95 Current price is $8.49, Original price is $9.95.
Title: When Your Child Loses a Loved One, Author: Theresa Huntley
eBook $6.49 $6.99 Current price is $6.49, Original price is $6.99.
Title: Helping Children Grieve, Author: Theresa M. Huntley
eBook $10.99 $12.99 Current price is $10.99, Original price is $12.99.
Title: A Child's View of Grief: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors, Author: Alan D. Wolfelt
eBook $5.49 $5.95 Current price is $5.49, Original price is $5.95.
Title: Children and Grief: Helping Your Child Understand Death, Author: Joey O'Connor
Title: Without You - Children and Young People Growing Up with Loss and its Effects, Author: Tamar Granot
Title: Grief in Children: A Handbook for Adults Second Edition, Author: Atle Dyregrov
eBook $13.99 $24.95 Current price is $13.99, Original price is $24.95.
Title: The Colors of Grief: Understanding a Child's Journey through Loss from Birth to Adulthood, Author: Janis Di Ciacco
Title: When Children Grieve: For Adults to Help Children Deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving, and Other Losses, Author: John W. James
Title: Lean On Me Gently: Helping the Grieving Child, Author: Doug Manning
Title: Helping Bereaved Children, Third Edition: A Handbook for Practitioners, Author: Nancy Boyd Webb
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eBook $35.42 $42.00 Current price is $35.42, Original price is $42.00.
Title: On Children and Death, Author: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Title: Death Talk: Conversations with Children and Families, Author: Glenda Fredman
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eBook $25.49 $28.99 Current price is $25.49, Original price is $28.99.
Title: The Grieving Child: A Parent's Guide, Author: Helen Fitzgerald
Title: Parenting a Grieving Child (Revised): Helping Children Find Faith, Hope and Healing after the Loss of a Loved One, Author: Mary DeTurris Poust
eBook $9.49 $10.99 Current price is $9.49, Original price is $10.99.