Title: Love of My Life: Memoirs of a Love Lost, Author: Angie Russell
Title: Understanding Grief From A to Z, Author: Ellen Gerst
Title: A Grief Unobserved - helping parents and carers with early childhood bereavement, Author: Maggie Kindred
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Title: Later: A Journey of Hope for When Everyone Survives, Author: W. E. (Bill) Smith
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Title: Where There's a Will: A Practical Guide to Taking Charge of Your Affairs, Author: Michael Kerrigan
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Title: Healing Heartaches: Stories of Loss and Life, Author: Sherry E. Showalter
Title: Widows Wear Stilettos: A Practical and Emotional Guide for the Young Widow, Author: Carole Brody Fleet
Title: After the Hearse Leaves: Discuss Grief, Author: Dr. Tom Morris
Title: Grief: The Great Yearning, Author: Pat Bertram
Title: Sudden Departure Syndrome - Tips for Organizing Your Life, Author: Muriel Glasgow

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