Title: The Tender Land: A Family Love Story, Author: Kathleen Finneran
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Title: Dying to Be Free: A Healing Guide for Families after a Suicide, Author: Beverly Cobain
Title: The Suicide Index: Putting My Father's Death in Order, Author: Joan Wickersham
Title: Why Suicide?: Questions and Answers About Suicide, Suicide Prevention, and Coping with the Suicide of Someone You Know, Author: Eric Marcus
Title: Healing After the Suicide of a Loved One, Author: Ann Smolin
Title: Why People Die by Suicide, Author: Thomas Joiner
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Title: Half in Love: Surviving the Legacy of Suicide, Author: Linda Gray Sexton
Title: The Los Angeles Diaries: A Memoir, Author: James Brown
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Title: Standing in the Shadow: Help and Encouragement for Suicide Survivors, Author: June Cerza Kolf
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Title: Blue Genes: A Memoir of Loss and Survival, Author: Christopher Lukas

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