Title: The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad Series #5), Author: Tana French
#5 in Series
Title: Murder in an Irish Village, Author: Maria-Anna B uml-Rossnagl
Title: In the Woods (Dublin Murder Squad Series #1), Author: Tana French
Title: The Girl from Ballymor, Author: Kathleen McGurl
Title: Faithful Place (Dublin Murder Squad Series #3), Author: Tana French
Title: Heart and Soul, Author: Maeve Binchy
Title: Dark Witch (Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy #1), Author: Nora Roberts
Title: Blood Magick (Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy #3), Author: Nora Roberts
Title: Shadow Spell (Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy #2), Author: Nora Roberts
Title: Sheltering Rain, Author: Jojo Moyes
Title: The Brightest Star in the Sky, Author: Marian Keyes
Title: Cashelmara, Author: Susan Howatch
Title: The Likeness (Dublin Murder Squad Series #2), Author: Tana French
Title: The Heart's Invisible Furies: A Novel, Author: John Boyne
Title: The Trespasser (Dublin Murder Squad Series #6), Author: Tana French
Title: Murder at an Irish Wedding, Author: Maria-Anna B uml-Rossnagl
Title: Ireland, Author: Frank Delaney
Title: The Good People, Author: Hannah Kent
Title: The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, Author: Brian Moore
Title: The Daughters of Ireland, Author: Santa Montefiore
#2 in Series

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