Title: Trick or Treat Murder (Lucy Stone Series #3), Author: Leslie Meier
Title: A Catered Halloween (Mystery with Recipes Series #5), Author: Isis Crawford
Title: Death of a Neighborhood Witch, Author: Laura Levine
Title: Murder of a Royal Pain (Scumble River Series #11), Author: Denise Swanson
#11 in Series
Title: Wicked Witch Murder (Lucy Stone Series #16), Author: Leslie Meier
#16 in Series
Title: Something Wicked This Way Comes, Author: Ray Bradbury
Title: Noche de difuntos, Author: Suart ONan
Title: Poirot e la strage degli innocenti, Author: Agatha Christie
Title: In the Blink of an Eye, Author: Wendy Corsi Staub
Title: Dark Harvest, Author: Norman Partridge
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The Halloween Tree
by Ray Bradbury
Narrated by  Kirby Heyborne
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: A Winter Haunting, Author: Dan Simmons
Title: Hallowe'en Party (Hercule Poirot Series), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: A Map of the Dark, Author: John Dixon
Title: Le crime d'Halloween (Hallowe'en Party), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: The Night Country: A Novel, Author: Stewart O'Nan
Title: Book 19, Author: Harry