Title: Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Author: Salman Rushdie
by Salman Rushdie
Narrated by  Jefferson Mays
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For Matrimonial Purposes
by Kavita Daswani
Narrated by  Anne Flosnik
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Half a Life
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Title: The Shadow Lines: A Novel, Author: Amitav Ghosh
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Title: Harún y el mar de las historias (Haroun and the Sea of Stories), Author: Salman Rushdie
Title: The Circle of Reason, Author: Amitav Ghosh
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The Satanic Verses
by Salman Rushdie
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Train To Pakistan
by Khushwant Singh
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Audiobook (Unabridged) $15.00
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Title: The Hungry Tide: A Novel, Author: Amitav Ghosh
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Die satanischen Verse
by Salman Rushdie
Narrated by  N.N.
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Midnight's Children
by Salman Rushdie
Narrated by  Lyndam Gregory
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Title: Shame: A Novel, Author: Tasalima Nasarina
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East, West: Stories
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