Title: Abril rojo (Red April), Author: Santiago Roncagliolo
Title: Quién mató a Palomino Molero?, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter: A Novel, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: The War of the End of the World, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Death in the Andes, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: The Way to Paradise: A Novel, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: The Dream of the Celt, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: La Fiesta del Chivo, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Yo amo a mi mami, Author: Jaime Bayly
Title: Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: The Storyteller: A Novel, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Captain Pantoja and the Special Service, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: In Praise of the Stepmother: A Novel, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Pudor, Author: Santiago Roncagliolo
Title: Travesuras de la niña mala, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Who Killed Palomino Molero?, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: La ruta de las estrellas, Author: Ignacio Merino
Title: El héroe discreto, Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: Torn from the Nest, Author: Clorinda Matto de Turner

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