Title: Emma Vardaman: Insurance Private Eye #1, Author: Aaron Solomon
Title: Daughter of Odysseus: Ithaka Calling, Author: Ernest Copley
Title: The Battered Suitcase, June 2008, Author: Adam Ficek
Title: The Complete Angler: Or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, Being a ..., Author: Charles Cotton Izaak Walton
Title: The Barrows #6, Author: Old World Disorder
#6 in Series
Title: Expectations: The Transformation of Miss Anne de Bourgh (Pride and Prejudice Continued), Volume 1, Author: Vintegaas
Title: Rideshare, Author: Jim Garland
Title: Sekhmet: Birth of a Goddess, Author: Old World Disorder
Title: To The One I Love, Author: Dawn Gena
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The Sacred Fount
by Henry James
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
Title: The collected works of William Hazlitt, Author: William Hazlitt
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Mademoiselle Ixe
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The Count of Monte Cristo
Title: How Rich is Henry?, Author: David Pearce
Title: A Doll's House (Barnes & Noble Classics Series), Author: Henrik Ibsen
Title: How Not to Run for President, Author: Mary Waitrovich
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Created with Sketch.
Created with Sketch.

Anonymous Story
by Anton Chekhov
Narrated by  Expatriate
Title: Playing with Fire: Bart Learns a Hard Lesson about Fire Danger, Author: Pee Wee's All Stars
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Created with Sketch.
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Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy

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