Title: A Beautiful, Terrible Thing: A Memoir of Marriage and Betrayal, Author: Strange Friends
Title: The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity, Author: Esther Perel
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Title: Not
Title: When Good People Have Affairs: Inside the Hearts & Minds of People in Two Relationships, Author: Mira Kirshenbaum
Title: Unfaithful: Hope and Healing After Infidelity, Author: Gary Shriver
Title: The Other Woman: Twenty-One Wives, Lovers, and Others Talk Openly About Sex, Deception, Love, and Betrayal, Author: Victoria Zackheim
Title: Intimacy After Infidelity: How to Rebuild and Affair-Proof Your Marriage, Author: Steven Solomon
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Title: Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal, Author: Julie Metz
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Title: Surviving Infidelity: Making Decisions, Recovering from the Pain, Author: MC Lace
Title: Living and Loving after Betrayal: How to Heal from Emotional Abuse, Deceit, Infidelity, and Chronic Resentment, Author: Steven Stosny
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Title: Surviving an Affair, Author: Willard F. Jr. Harley
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Title: Ultimate Betrayal: Recognizing, Uncovering, and Dealing with Infidelity, Author: Danine Manette
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