Title: The Cure For Depression, Author: Frederick Hoehn
Title: Ann at Nusery, Author: Ian Mitch
Title: Nursing Courses (Volume 1), Author: El Arabi Serghini Mohammed
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Eminent Victorians
Title: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Provider Handbook, Author: Dr. Karl Disque
Title: Nursing Courses (Volume 2), Author: El Arabi Serghini Mohammed
Title: Fast Facts for the Nurse Educator: Selected Readings from the Fast Facts Book Series, Author: Springer Publishing Company
Title: Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Handbook, Author: Dr. Karl Disque
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Notes on Nursing
Title: The COAT & Review Approach: How to recognise and manage unwell patients, Author: Nicholas Chrimes
Title: Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Handbook, Author: Dr. Karl Disque
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Hospital Sketches
Title: Nursing Courses (Volume 3), Author: El Arabi Serghini Mohammed
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Hospital Sketches
by Louisa May Alcott
Narrated by  Josh Smith
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: Burnout: Impact on Nursing and Quality of Care, Author: NetCE
Title: Eminent Victorians, Author: Lytton Strachey
Title: Notes on Nursing, Author: Florence Nightingale
Title: Look for Me, Author: Janet K. Shawgo
Title: Pediatric Nursing (Speedy Study Guides), Author: Speedy Publishing
Title: Applied Psychology for Nurses, Author: Mary F. Porter

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