Title: Divided We Fall (Divided We Fall Series #1), Author: Trent Reedy
#1 in Series
Title: Burning Nation (Divided We Fall, Book 2), Author: Trent Reedy
#2 in Series
Title: The Last Full Measure (Divided We Fall, Book 3), Author: Trent Reedy
Title: Secret Army (Henderson's Boys Series #3), Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: Grey Wolves (Henderson's Boys Series #4), Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: The Prisoner (Henderson's Boys Series #5), Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: One Shot Kill (Henderson's Boys Series #6), Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: Scorched Earth (Henderson's Boys Series #7), Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: Henderson's Boys: The Escape: Book 1, Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: Torn, Author: David Massey
Title: Henderson's Boys: Eagle Day: Book 2, Author: Robert Muchamore
Title: Code of Honor, Author: Alan Gratz