Title: Swipe: A Virals Adventure, Author: Kathy Reichs
Title: Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection, Author: Kathy Reichs
Title: Quite a Ride: An Alex Rider Special from Philomel Books, Author: Anthony Horowitz
Title: Shock: A Virals Adventure, Author: Kathy Reichs
Title: Lila Shortcuts (Lila Series), Author: Sarah Alderson
Title: Shift: A Virals Adventure, Author: Kathy Reichs
Title: Skin and Other Stories, Author: Roald Dahl
Title: Spike: A Virals Adventure, Author: Kathy Reichs
Title: Annie and Fia, Author: Kiersten White
Explore Series
Title: CHERUB: Dark Sun and other stories, Author: Robert Muchamore