Title: Via di Scampo, Author: Stefano Jay Bozzo
Title: L'agente segreto, Author: Joseph Conrad
Title: La serie infernale (The A.B.C. Murders), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Kay Scarpetta (Versione italiana), Author: Patricia Cornwell
Title: Poirot e la salma (The Hollow), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Una stagione selvaggia (Savage Season), Author: Joe R. Lansdale
Title: Il poeta è tornato (The Narrows), Author: Michael Connelly
Title: Assassinio sull'Orient Express (Murder on the Orient Express), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: La città delle ossa (City of Bones), Author: Michael Connelly
Title: Il fattore Scarpetta (The Scarpetta Factor), Author: Patricia Cornwell
Title: Quattro casi per Hercule Poirot (Murder in the Mews: Four Cases of Hercule Poirot ), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Calliphora (Blow Fly), Author: Patricia Cornwell
Title: Se morisse mio marito (Lord Edgware Dies), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Non c'è più scampo (Murder in Mesopotamia), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Macabro quiz (Cat among the Pigeons), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Carte in tavola (Cards on the Table), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: La traccia (Trace), Author: Patricia Cornwell
Title: Poirot non sbaglia (One, Two, Buckle My Shoe), Author: Agatha Christie
Title: La ragazza di polvere (The Closers), Author: Michael Connelly
Title: Sfida a Poirot (The Clocks), Author: Agatha Christie

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