Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 1 - The Yellow M, Author: P. Jacobs
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 2 - The Mystery of the Great Pyramid (part 1), Author: P. Jacobs
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 3 - The Mystery of the Great Pyramid (part 2), Author: P. Jacobs
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 4 - The Francis Blake Affair, Author: Benoit
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 5 - The Strange Encounter, Author: Benoit
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 6 - S.O.S Meteors, Author: P. Jacobs
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 7 - The Affair of the Necklace, Author: P. Jacobs
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 8 - The Voronov Plot, Author: André Juillard
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 9 - The Sarcophagi of the Sixth Continent Part 1, Author: André Juillard
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 10 - The Sarcophagi of the Sixth Continent Part 2, Author: André Juillard
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 11 - The Gondwana Shrine, Author: André Juillard
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 12 - Atlantis Mystery, Author: P. Jacobs
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 13 - The Curse of the 30 pieces of Silver (Part 1), Author: Sterne
Title: Blake & Mortimer (english version) - tome 14 - The Curse of the 30 pieces of Silver (Part 2), Author: Aubin