Title: Legends Of Vancouver, Author: E. Pauline Johnson
Title: Legends of Vancouver, Author: E. Pauline Johnson
Title: Old Indian Days, Author: Charles Alexander Eastman
Title: Cogewea, The Half Blood: A Depiction of the Great Montana Cattle Range, Author: Mourning Dove
Title: Legends of Vancouver, Author: E. Pauline Johnson
Title: Old Indian Legends, Author: Zitkala-Sa
Title: Old Indian Days, Author: Charles Alexander Eastman
Title: Legends of Vancouver, Author: E. Pauline Johnson
Title: Old Indian Days (Barnes & Noble Digital Library), Author: Charles A. Eastman
Title: The Moccasin Maker, Author: E. Pauline Johnson
Title: Old Indian Days, Author: Charles A. Eastman
Title: Legends of Vancouver, Author: Emily Pauline Johnson
Title: Old Indian Days, Author: Charles A. Eastman
Title: Old Indian Legends, Author: Zitkala-Sa
Title: Old Indian Days, Author: Charles Eastman
Title: Legends of Vancouver, Author: E. Pauline Johnson
Title: Old Indian Days, Author: Charles Eastman