Title: The Eagle Catcher (Wind River Reservation Series #1), Author: Margaret Coel
Title: Blood Memory (Catherine McLeod Mystery Series #1), Author: Margaret Coel
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Title: The Ghost Walker, Author: Margaret Coel
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Title: The Dream Stalker, Author: Margaret Coel
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Title: Bright Sword of Justice (Guardians of the North Book #3), Author: Alan Morris
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Title: Between Earth and Sky (Guardians of the North Book #4), Author: Alan Morris
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Title: The Lost Bird, Author: Margaret Coel
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Title: The Spirit Woman (Wind River Reservation Series #6), Author: Margaret Coel
Title: The Thunder Keeper (Wind River Reservation Series #7), Author: Margaret Coel
Title: The Shadow Dancer (Wind River Reservation Series #8), Author: Margaret Coel
Title: Killing Raven (Wind River Reservation Series #9), Author: Margaret Coel
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Title: Wife of Moon (Wind River Reservation Series #10), Author: Margaret Coel
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Title: Dark Passage: A Barnaby Skye Novel, Author: Richard S. Wheeler
Title: Eye of the Wolf (Wind River Reservation Series #11), Author: Margaret Coel
Title: The Drowning Man (Wind River Reservation Series #12), Author: Margaret Coel
Title: The Girl with Braided Hair (Wind River Reservation Series #13), Author: Margaret Coel

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