Title: Sound of Mind: Adventures in Schizophrenia, Author: Shapiro Brothers
Title: Sha'hallaan's Truth, Author: Lynda Bennett
Title: Days of Creation, Author: Bogdan Heretoiu
Title: Invisible Prisons Of The Human Mind, Author: Andreas Michael Theodorou
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Celtic Fairy Tales
Title: Windows in the Sky, 'Buddha is that you?', Author: David Wilfrid Berresford
Title: Why You're Fat & Sick And How To Fix It, Author: Christopher Mitchell
Title: What to Do About Fear, Author: Frederick Hoehn
Title: How to Live in the Present Moment and Be Grateful: Living Irie: Appreciate Life and Find Inner Peace, Author: Sheila Burke
Title: As Above So Below..., Author: Dr. Glen Swartwout
#1 in Series
Title: Thinking Explored, Author: Shelton Ranasinghe
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Thoughts are Things (Version 2)
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Thoughts Are Things
Title: Harness Your Quantum Spirituality And Make It Work For You, Author: Lance Abrims
Title: Wagging My Redshift Tail: A Philosophy of Madness, Author: Nepomuk Onderdonk
Title: Holophany, The Loop of Creation, Author: Clara Szalai
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Book of the Damned
Title: A Philosophical Approach to Anasthesia, Author: John Schou
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In Tune with the Infinite
Title: Weaver Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Wholistic Living, Author: Lady Li Andre

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