Title: Sono Il Numero Quattro: Lorien Legacies (I Am Number Four) (Lorien Legacies Series #1), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: Il potere del numero Sei: Lorien Legacies (The Power of Six) (Lorien Legacies Series #2), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: La vendetta del numero nove: Lorien Legacies (The Rise of Nine) (Lorien Legacies Series #3), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: Ötödik csapdája (The Fall of Five) (Lorien Legacies Series #4), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: La sfida del numero cinque: Lorien Legacies (The Fall of Five) (Lorien Legacies Series #4), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: Il ritorno del numero sette: Lorien Legacies (The Revenge of Seven) (Lorien Legacies Series #5), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: Il destino del numero dieci: Lorien Legacies (The Fate of Ten) (Lorien Legacies Series #6), Author: Pittacus Lore
Title: What Mario Scietto Says: A Tor.Com Original, Author: Emmy Laybourne
Title: Doctor Who - Die weinenden Engel, Author: Jonathan Morris
Title: Träumende Leere: Roman, Author: Peter F. Hamilton
Title: The Intelligence Director: A Tor.Com Original, Author: Jessica Brody
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