Title: Millie and Cupcake, Author: mildred potash
Title: Zero and One, Author: Jeff Byington
Title: Babylove's in Twinkie Town, Author: Xandl
Title: The Rice Bag Hammock, Author: Shaeeza Haniff
Title: A Halloween Story, Author: Ethelle Gladden
Title: Pablo Gets Glasses, Author: Anjelica McMillan
Title: Drake, Author: William Wheeler
Title: A Burp Cloth Named Emmet, Author: barbara cook
Title: Chug The Bug: Chug Makes New Friends, Author: Brent Angie
Title: Friends For Kupo, Author: Albert Villa
Title: Me And My Papa, Author: Daisy Reynolds
Title: Granny the Farmer, Author: Powell Jackson
Title: Friendship Dragon, Author: Dasha Elin Zerboni
Title: Little Love Bug Follows her Heart on Valentine's Day, Author: Kari Brimhall