Title: Their Daring Hearts, Author: Sharlene MacLaren
#2 in Series
Title: A Change of Heart: A Harmony Novel, Author: Philip Gulley
Title: Death of a Winter Shaker, Author: Deborah Woodworth
Title: Voyageurs: A Novel, Author: Margaret Elphinstone
Title: A Simple Shaker Murder, Author: Deborah Woodworth
Title: The Randolph Legacy, Author: Eileen Charbonneau
Title: Deadly Shaker Spring, Author: Deborah Woodworth
Title: Just Shy of Harmony, Author: Philip Gulley
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Title: Woman of Courage, Author: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Title: Sins of a Shaker Summer: A Sister Rose Callahan Mystery, Author: Deborah Woodworth
Title: Killing Gifts: A Shaker Mystery, Author: Deborah Woodworth
Title: The Last Runaway: A Novel, Author: Tracy Chevalier
Title: The Movement of Stars: A Novel, Author: Amy Brill
Title: Signs and Wonders, Author: Philip Gulley
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Title: Christmas in Harmony, Author: Philip Gulley
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Title: Home to Harmony, Author: Philip Gulley
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Title: Quaker Summer, Author: Lisa Samson
Title: A Place Called Hope: A Novel, Author: Philip Gulley