Title: Pornography and the Sex Crisis, Author: Susan Cole
Title: Power Surge: Sex, Violence and Pornography, Author: Susan Cole
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Title: At Home with Pornography: Women, Sexuality, and Everyday Life, Author: Jane Juffer
Title: The Silent War: Ministering to Those Caught in the Deception of Pornography, Author: Henry J. Rogers
Title: From Social Justice to Criminal Justice: Poverty and the Administration of Criminal Law, Author: William C. Heffernan
Title: Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization, Author: Azizur Rahman Khan
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Title: Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography on the Internet, Author: Philip Jenkins
Title: Pornography Embodied: From Speech to Sexual Practice, Author: Joan Mason-Grant
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Title: Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market, Author: Eric Schlosser
Title: International Exposure: Perspectives on Modern European Pornography, 1800-2000, Author: John Phillips
Title: We Are Poor but So Many: The Story of Self-Employed Women in India, Author: Ela R. Bhatt
Title: In Lust We Trust: Adventures in Adult Cinema, Author: Gerrie Lim
Title: Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families, Author: Pamela Paul
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Title: Naked: The Life And Pornography Of Michael Lucas, Author: Corey Taylor
Title: We Did Porn: Memoir and Drawings, Author: Zak Smith
Title: The Dirty Little Secret, Author: Craig Gross
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Title: The Gender of Desire: Essays on Male Sexuality, Author: Michael Kimmel
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Title: The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography, Author: Wendy Maltz
Title: Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain, Author: William M. Struthers
Title: The Road Through Wonderland: Surviving John Holmes, Author: Dawn Schiller
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