Title: Twilight 1 - Fascination (French edition), Author: Stephenie Meyer
Title: Captive: Les nuits de Shéhérazade (The Wrath and the Dawn), Author: Renée Ahdieh
#1 in Series
Title: Immortalité (Immortal), Author: Gillian Shields
#1 in Series
Title: Paranormalité (Paranormalcy), Author: Kiersten White
Title: Twilight 2 - Tentation (French edition), Author: Stephenie Meyer
Title: Surnaturellement (Supernaturally) French edition, Author: Kiersten White
#2 in Series
Title: Trahison (Betrayal), Author: Gillian Shields
#2 in Series
Title: Éternité (Eternal), Author: Gillian Shields
#3 in Series
Title: Sans fin (Endlessly), Author: Kiersten White
#3 in Series
Title: Twilight 3 - Hésitation (French edition), Author: Stephenie Meyer
Title: Destinée (Destiny), Author: Gillian Shields
#4 in Series
Title: Twilight 4 - Révélation (French edition), Author: Stephenie Meyer
Title: The sun is also a star, Author: Preston Prescott
Title: Décroche-moi la lune (The Moon and More), Author: Sarah Dessen