Title: Bad Boy, Author: Diana Wieler
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Title: Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates: Complete and Unabridged, Author: Mary Mapes Dodge
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Title: Championship Ball, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Touchdown Pass, Author: Clair Bee
Title: Dugout Jinx, Author: Clair Bee
Title: Hoop Crazy, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Clutch Hitter, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: A Pass and a Prayer, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Pitchers' Duel, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Backboard Fever, Author: Clair Bee
Title: Freshman Quarterback, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Fence Busters, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Ten Seconds to Play!, Author: Clair Bee
Title: Fourth Down Showdown, Author: Clair Bee
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Title: Tournament Crisis, Author: Clair Bee
eBook $5.49 $5.99 Current price is $5.49, Original price is $5.99.
Title: Pay-Off Pitch, Author: Clair Bee
Title: Hardcourt Upset, Author: Clair Bee

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