Title: The Aliens Talk About the Universe, Author: Kim Jensen
Title: The Failed Prophet Billy Meier, Author: Maurice Osborn
Title: Alien Spirituality, Author: Maurice Osborn
Title: The Secret Space Program, Author: Maurice Osborn
Title: Real Alien Worlds: A Brief Encyclopaedia: First Edition Volume 1, Author: David McCready
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The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects
Title: The Essence of the Notes, Author: Maurice Osborn
Title: My Little Alien Book, Author: Eve Star
Title: The Great Truth, Author: Thuan Nguyen
Title: Retrieving Canceled Memories of a UFO Encounter Decades in the Past, Author: Henry Steele
Title: A Bright Light Over My Bus, Author: Jennifer White
Title: Deeper Disclosures, Author: Maurice Osborn
Title: A Foolish Consistency, Author: Tim Tracer
Title: Steve Jobs: Paradise Gate, Author: Garlanda Goldwin
Title: A Biblical View of UFOs, Author: Richie Cooley
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The Flying Saucers are Real
Title: 2012 Emergency Preparedness Checklist: TORNADO, FLASH-FLOODS, STORMS, HURRICANE, FIRE, and HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILLS!, Author: Tracey York
Title: Alien Hybrids in Ancient Times, Author: ME Brines
Title: Sleeper Cell: Preliminary Chapter (Sleeper Cell 2240), Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: Time of Darkness, Author: B T COLL

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