Title: A Wedding Ceremony to Remember: Perfect Words for the Perfect Wedding, Author: Marty Younkin
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Title: Bartlett's Words for the Wedding, Author: Brett Fletcher Lauer
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Title: Boutique Wedding Cakes: Bake and decorate beautiful cakes at home, Author: Victoria Glass
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Title: Catholic Wedding Book, The, Author: Molly K. Stein and William C. Graham
Title: Celebrating Interfaith Marriages: Creating Your Jewish/Christian Ceremony, Author: Devon A. Lerner
Title: Ceremonies for the Renewal of Vows, Author: Wendy Haynes
Title: Chic & Unique Wedding Cakes - Lace: An elegant cake decorating project, Author: Zoe Clark
Title: Christian Weddings, Second Edition: Resources to Make Your Ceremony Unique, Author: Andy Langford
Title: Classical Guitar Wedding (Songbook), Author: Hal Leonard Corp.
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Title: Classical Wedding Favorites (Songbook), Author: Hal Leonard Corp.
Title: Don't Burn Your Toast: The Guide to an Unforgettable Wedding Speech, Author: Paul Crook
Title: Engagement & Wedding Rings (3rd Edition): The Definitive Buying Guide for People in Love, Author: Antoinette Matlins
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Title: Heaven on Earth Presents The Bridal Bouquet (PagePerfect NOOK Book), Author: Michelle Spurgeon
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Title: How to Buy a Diamond: Insider Secrets for Getting Your Money's Worth, Author: Fred Cuellar
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Title: I Do: A Guide to Creating Your Own Unique Wedding Ceremony, Author: Sydney Barbara Metrick
Title: I Never Performed a Nude Wedding, Author: Naomi Cherny
Title: Innovative Techniques for Wedding Photography, Author: David Neil Arndt
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