Title: The Goodnight Trail (Trail Drive Series #1), Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Slaughter of Eagles (Eagles Series #15), Author: J. A. Johnstone
Title: Trail of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Purgatory (Matt Jensen: The Last Mountain Man Series #3), Author: J. A. Johnstone
Title: Scream of Eagles, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: Streets of Laredo, Author: Larry McMurtry
Title: Rage of Eagles, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: The Eyes of Texas, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Carnage of Eagles, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Eyes of Eagles, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: Preacher's Peace, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: Dakota Ambush, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Power of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Blood Bond, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: A Town Called Fury, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: The Killing, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Savage Country, Author: William W. Johnstone
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Title: Law of the Mountain Man (Mountain Man Series #5), Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Hell's Half Acre (Hell's Half Acre Series #1), Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Silver City Massacre, Author: Charles G. West

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