Title: Preacher's Justice, Author: William W. Johnstone
#10 in Series
Title: Hell Town (Last Gunfighter Series #16), Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Power of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Trail of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: A Town Called Fury, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Triumph of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Crossfire, Author: J. A. Johnstone
#11 in Series
Title: Shootout at Gold Creek (Blood Bond Series #6), Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Ghost Valley, Author: William W. Johnstone
#3 in Series
Title: The Loner: Seven Days to Die, Author: J. A. Johnstone
Title: Brutal Vengeance, Author: J. A. Johnstone
#13 in Series
Title: Defiance of Eagles, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Mankiller, Colorado (Sidewinders Series #4), Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Venom of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Hard Ride to Hell, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Betrayal Of The Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Monahan's Massacre, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: A Good Day to Die, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: Battle of the Mountain Man, Author: William W. Johnstone
Title: A Hundred Ways to Kill, Author: William W. Johnstone

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