Title: The Dragon & the Knight: A Pop-up Misadventure, Author: Robert Sabuda
Title: The Little Mermaid, Author: Robert Sabuda
Title: Rise Of The Guardians Worlds of Wonder: Deluxe Playset, Author: Dreamworks
Title: A Princess Like Me: A Royal Pop-Up, Author: Matthew Reinhart
Title: The Lorax Pop-up!, Author: Dr. Seuss
Title: Beauty & the Beast: A Pop-up Book of the Classic Fairy Tale, Author: Robert Sabuda
Title: Dr. Seuss Pops Up!, Author: Dr. Seuss
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Pop-Up Edition, Author: Lewis Carroll
Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: A Commemorative Pop-up (Oz Series #1), Author: L. Frank Baum