Victory Over the Darkness: 10th Anniversary Addition

Ten years ago a breakthrough book launched a ministry that has helped more than one million people overcome this world and win the battle for their hearts and minds. Now Neil Anderson has revised and expanded Victory over the Darkness for a new generation of readers, outlining practical and more productive ways to Christian growth based on Christ’s promise, You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. Victory Over the Darkness emphasizes the importance of believing and internalizing the cardinal truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew the mind and fend off the attempts of Satan to convince us that we are less than Christ empowers us to be.


Victory Over the Darkness: 10th Anniversary Addition

Ten years ago a breakthrough book launched a ministry that has helped more than one million people overcome this world and win the battle for their hearts and minds. Now Neil Anderson has revised and expanded Victory over the Darkness for a new generation of readers, outlining practical and more productive ways to Christian growth based on Christ’s promise, You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. Victory Over the Darkness emphasizes the importance of believing and internalizing the cardinal truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew the mind and fend off the attempts of Satan to convince us that we are less than Christ empowers us to be.


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Victory Over the Darkness: 10th Anniversary Addition

Victory Over the Darkness: 10th Anniversary Addition

by Neil T. Anderson
Victory Over the Darkness: 10th Anniversary Addition

Victory Over the Darkness: 10th Anniversary Addition

by Neil T. Anderson

Paperback(10TH ANNOTATED)

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Ten years ago a breakthrough book launched a ministry that has helped more than one million people overcome this world and win the battle for their hearts and minds. Now Neil Anderson has revised and expanded Victory over the Darkness for a new generation of readers, outlining practical and more productive ways to Christian growth based on Christ’s promise, You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. Victory Over the Darkness emphasizes the importance of believing and internalizing the cardinal truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew the mind and fend off the attempts of Satan to convince us that we are less than Christ empowers us to be.


Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780830725649
Publisher: Gospel Light Publications
Publication date: 07/10/2000
Edition description: 10TH ANNOTATED
Pages: 256
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.69(d)
Age Range: 12 - 18 Years

About the Author

Dr. NEIL T. ANDERSON is founder and president of Freedom in Christ Ministries. He was formerly the chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology. He holds five degrees from Talbot, Pepperdine University and Arizona State University and has authored several bestselling books on spiritual freedom, including Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker.





Read an Excerpt




Copyright © 2000 Neil T. Anderson
All right reserved.

ISBN: 0830725644

Who Are You?

I really enjoy asking people, "Who are you?" It sounds like a simple question requiring a simple answer, but it really isn't. For example, if someone asked me, "Who are you?" I might answer, "Neil Anderson."

"No, that's your name. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm a seminary professor."

"No, that's what you do."

"I'm an American."

"That's where you live."

"I'm an evangelical."

"That's your denominational preference."

I could also say that I am five feet nine inches tall and a little over 150 pounds-actually quite a little over 150 pounds! My physical dimensions and appearance, however, aren't me either. If you chopped off my arms and legs would I still be me? If you transplanted my heart, kidneys or liver would I still be me? Of course! Now if you keep chopping you will get to me eventually because I am in here somewhere. Who I am, though, is far more than what you see on the outside.

The apostle Paul said, "We recognize no man according to the flesh" (2 Cor. 5:16). Maybe the Early Church didn't, but generally we do. We tend to identify ourselves and each other primarily by what we look like (tall, short, stocky, slender) or what we do (plumber, carpenter, nurse, engineer, clerk). Furthermore, when we Christians are asked to identify ourselves in relation to our faith, weusually talk about our doctrinal position (Protestant, evangelical, Calvinist, charismatic), our denominational preference (Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Independent) or our role in the church (Sunday School teacher, choir member, deacon, usher).

Is who you are determined by what you do, or is what you do determined by who you are? That is an important question, especially as it relates to Christian maturity. I subscribe to the latter. I believe that your hope for growth, meaning and fulfillment as a Christian is based on understanding who you are-specifically, your identity in Christ as a child of God. Your understanding of who God is and who you are in relationship to Him is the critical foundation for your belief system and your behavior patterns as a Christian.

False Equations in the Search for Identity

Several years ago a 17-year-old girl drove a great distance to talk with me. I have never met a girl who had so much going for her. She was cover-girl pretty and had a wonderful figure. She was immaculately dressed. She had completed 12 years of school in 11 years and graduated near the top of her class. As a talented musician, she had received a full-ride music scholarship to a Christian university. She also drove a brand-new sports car her parents gave her for graduation. I was amazed that one person could have so much.

She talked with me for half an hour and I realized that what I saw on the outside wasn't matching what I was beginning to see on the inside.

"Mary," I said finally, "have you ever cried yourself to sleep at night because you felt inadequate and wished you were somebody else?"

She began to cry. "How did you know?"

"Truthfully, Mary," I answered, "I've learned that people who appear to have it all together on the outside may not have it all together on the inside. I could ask almost anyone that same question at some time in their lives and get the same response."

Often what we show on the outside is a false front designed to disguise who we really are, and we cover up the negative feelings we have about ourselves. The world would have us believe that if we appear attractive or perform well or enjoy a certain amount of status, then we will have it all together inside as well. That is not always true, however. External appearance, accomplishment and recognition don't necessarily reflect-or produce-internal peace and maturity.

In his book The Sensation of Being Somebody, Maurice Wagner expresses this false belief in simple equations we tend to accept. He says we mistakenly think that good appearance plus the admiration it brings equal a whole person. Or we feel that star performance plus accomplishments equal a whole person. Or we believe that a certain amount of status plus the recognition we accumulate equal a whole person. Not so. These equations are no more correct than two plus two equal six. Wagner says:

Try as we might by our appearance, performance or social status to find self-verification for a sense of being somebody, we always come short of satisfaction. Whatever pinnacle of self-identity we achieve soon crumbles under the pressure of hostile rejection or criticism, introspection or guilt, fear or anxiety. We cannot do anything to qualify for the by-product of being loved unconditionally and voluntarily.

If these equations could work for anyone, they would have worked for King Solomon. He was the king of Israel during the greatest years in its history. He had power, position, wealth, possessions and women. If a meaningful life is the result of appearance, admiration, performance, accomplishments, status or recognition, Solomon would have been the most together man who ever lived.

Not only did he possess all that a fallen humanity could hope for, but God also gave him more wisdom than any other mortal to interpret it all. What was his conclusion? "Meaningless! Meaningless! ... Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless" (Eccles. 1:2, NIV). Solomon sought to find purpose and meaning in life independent of God and he wrote a book about it. The book of Ecclesiastes describes the futility of humankind pursuing a meaningful life in a fallen world without God. Millions of people climb those ladders of "success," only to discover when they reach the top that their ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.

We also tend to buy into the negative side of the worldly success-equals-meaning formula by believing that if people have nothing, they have no hope for happiness. For example, I presented this scenario to a high school student a few years ago: "Suppose there's a girl on your campus who has a potato body and stringy hair, who stumbles when she walks and stutters when she talks. She has a bad complexion and she struggles just to get average grades. Does she have any hope for happiness?"

He thought for a moment, then answered, "Probably not."

Maybe he is right in this earthly kingdom, where people live strictly on the external plane. Happiness is equated with good looks, relationships with important people, the right job and a fat bank account. Life devoid of these "benefits" is too often equated with hopelessness.

What about life in God's kingdom? The success-equals-happiness and failure-equals-hopelessness equations don't exist. Everyone has exactly the same opportunity for a meaningful life. Why? Because wholeness and meaning in life are not the products of what you have or don't have, what you've done or haven't done. You are already a whole person and possess a life of infinite meaning and purpose because of who you are-a child of God. The only identity equation that works in God's kingdom is you plus Christ equals wholeness and meaning.

If our relationship with God is the key to wholeness, why do so many believers struggle with their identity, security, significance, sense of worth and spiritual maturity? Ignorance is probably the primary reason. The prophet Hosea said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (4:6). For others it is carnality, the lack of repentance and faith in God, and some are being deceived by the father of lies. This deception was brought home to me a few years ago when I was counseling a Christian girl who was the victim of satanic oppression.

I asked her, "Who are you?"

"I'm evil," she answered.

"You're not evil. How can a child of God be evil? Is that how you see yourself?" She nodded.

Now she may have done some evil things, but at the core of her being she wasn't evil. This was evident by the deep remorse she felt after sinning. She was basing her identity on the wrong equation. She was letting Satan's accusations influence her perception of herself instead of believing the truth.

Sadly, a great number of Christians are trapped in the same downward spiral. We fail, so we see ourselves as failures, which only leads to more failure. We sin, so we see ourselves as sinners, which only leads to more sin. We have been deceived into believing that what we do determines who we are. That false belief sends us into a tailspin of hopelessness and more defeat. On the other hand, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God" (Rom. 8:16). God wants us to know who we are so we can start living accordingly. Being a child of God who is alive and free in Christ should determine what we do. Then we are working out our salvation (see Phil. 2:12), not for our salvation.

The Original Creation

To understand the gospel and who we are in Christ, we need to look at the creation account and the subsequent fall of humankind (see Figure 1-A). Genesis 2:7 reads: "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." This combination of clay and divine breath is what constitutes humankind.

Theologians have debated whether the individual members of Adam's race are made up of two or three parts. Those who hold to a dichotomous view believe we are comprised of a body, soul (containing mind, emotions and will) and spirit. Those who hold to a dichotomous view believe we are comprised of a material and immaterial part, an outer person and an inner person. They would understand the soul and the spirit to be essentially the same.

For the sake of our discussion, we are going to describe who we are from a functional perspective. Suffice it to say, we have an outer self, a physical body that relates to this world through the five senses, and an inner self that relates to God and is created in His image (see Gen. 1:26,27). Being created in the image of God is what gives us the capacity to fully think, feel and choose. After God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, Adam was both physically and spiritually alive.

Physically Alive

The physical life we inherited from Adam is best represented in the New Testament by the word bios. Bios describes the union of your physical body and your immaterial self-mind, emotions and will. To be physically alive means the soul or soul/spirit is in union with your body. To die physically means that you separate from your temporal body.

In the Bible, to die means to be separate from, and to be alive means to be in union with. Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (see 2 Cor. 5:8). Obviously, who you are encompasses more than your physical body, because the body is left behind when you physically die and yet you will be present with the Lord.

Although your principal identity is more than physical, in this life you cannot exist without your physical body. Your immaterial inner self needs your material outer self to live and function in this world.

For example, your physical brain is like the hardware of a computer system and your immaterial mind is like the software. A computer can't function without software, and software needs a computer to function. You need your physical brain to control your movements and responses, and you need your immaterial mind to reason and make value judgments. The brain can't function independently of how it has been programmed. The finest organic brain can't accomplish anything in a corpse that lacks a mind. Your mind can be perfectly programmed, but if your brain is damaged by Alzheimer's disease you cannot function well as a person.

As long as I live in the physical world, I must do so in a physical body. As such, I am going to take care of my body as well as I can by exercising, eating right and so on. The truth of the matter is that my body is corruptible and it is decaying. I don't look the way I looked 20 years ago, and I don't have great prospects for the next 20 years. In 2 Corinthians 5:1-4, Paul referred to the believer's body as a tent, the temporary dwelling place of the soul. Using his illustration, I must confess that my tent pegs are coming up, my poles are sagging and my seams are becoming frayed. At my age, I am just glad there is more to me than the disposable earth suit in which I walk around.

Spiritually Alive

We also inherited from Adam the capacity for spiritual life. Paul wrote: "Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16, NIV). He was referring to the spiritual life of the believer that doesn't age or decay as does the outer shell. To be spiritually alive-characterized in the New Testament by the word zoe-means that your soul or soul/spirit is in union with God. That is the condition in which Adam was created-physically alive and spiritually alive, in perfect union with God.

For the Christian, to be spiritually alive is to be in union with God. This spiritual life is most often conveyed in the New Testament as being "in Christ," or "in Him." Like Adam, we were created to be in union with God. As we shall discover later in this chapter, however, Adam sinned and his union with God was severed. It is God's eternal plan to bring human creation back to Himself and restore the union He enjoyed with Adam at creation. That restored union with God, which we find "in Christ," is what defines who we are as children of God.


In the original creation, humankind was given a divine purpose for being here. Humanity was given dominion over all the other creatures: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Gen. 1:26,27).

Adam didn't have to search for significance. That attribute was the result of creation. Satan had to crawl on his belly like a snake in the presence of God. He was not the god of this world at that time. He usurped the authority given to Adam and his descendants after Adam sinned and lost his relationship with God.


Excerpted from Victory OVER THE DARKNESS by NEIL T. ANDERSON Copyright © 2000 by Neil T. Anderson
Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

Countless people have found genuine freedom in Christ through the insights God has given Neil Anderson. Among them is my oldest son.
Kay Arthur
Author of As Silver Refined and God, Are You There?, Executive Vice President and Co-founder, Precept Ministries, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Reading Victory Over the Darkness has been the catalyst for numerous people on the journey of spiritual freedom in Christ. As part of our core curriculum studies, we encourage every new member of our church to complete Dr. Anderson’s Steps to Freedom in Christ. It is the book we offer to every person who desires spiritual counseling. I have seen the hope it brings for those who thought there was no hope for their lives. Even more amazing, I know the man behind the book, and he lives the life he proclaims.
Paul Bane
Pastor, New Hope Community Church, Brentwood, Tennessee

The Lord has given Neil Anderson a marvelous counseling and discipleship model that is a genuine blessing to the Body of Christ.
Bill Bright (1921–2003)
Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ International, Orlando, Florida

Of the many things I appreciate about Neil Anderson’s ministry, his commitment to God’s Word tops my list. Neil goes to God’s Word to demonstrate that resolution in life is found in the Word of life because it points us to the Lord of life.
Robert B. Bugh
Senior Pastor, Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton, Illinois

It is time for all of us to experience freedom in Christ! Dr. Neil Anderson shares solid biblical guidelines for how Christians can be used of God to help set the captives free.
Paul A. Cedar
President, Mission America, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Neil Anderson touches a nerve of vital need in the Body of Christ! His ministry in the arena of spiritual growth is sound-minded, trustworthy and—best of all—Christ-centered and Bible-based. I recommend him and his work.
Jack W. Hayford
President, The King’s Seminary, Founding Pastor, The Church On The Way, Van Nuys, California

Victory Over the Darkness was released at a time in my life when I desperately needed its message. I didn’t know how to fight back, and I didn’t know the authority I had in knowing who I was in Christ. This book profoundly impacted my awareness of spiritual warfare and helped me see things as they really are. I am forever grateful for this gift because it changed my life. I've given it away more times than I can count. Read it, and you’ll be doing the same thing.
Brian Hardin
Daily Audio Bible,

Dr. Neil Anderson has done a masterful job of taking a rather complex truth and making it plain enough for all to understand and practical enough for all to experience. The principles in Victory Over the Darkness have helped us to disciple both old and new believers in our church. As a result, lives are being transformed by the power of God. Gerald Martin Pastor, Cornerstone Church and Ministries, Harrisonburg, Virginia When we first met Neil Anderson, we were impacted most by his pastors’ heart. He loves God, and he loves people. We’ve often laughed with one another and jokingly said that Neil says more over lunch than most pastors do in the sermons they spend a week preparing. He trained our intercessors in discipleship counseling, and they still experience the power of God when they walk people through the Steps to Freedom in Christ. Neil’s teaching on spiritual warfare is biblically sound, powerful and practical.
Pastor Tom and Leighann McCoy
Thompson Station Church, Thompson Station, Tennessee

Victory Over the Darkness is a much-needed book written for everyone who longs for spiritual growth and, even more, joyous spiritual victory in a dark world.
Robert L. Saucy
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California

In Lombardi-like fashion, Neil Anderson has entered our locker room and re-introduced our “football,” reminding us of the power found in the fundamentals of our faith. Thank you, Neil, for pointing us toward God’s Word and the security and significance that is ours in Christ.
Ed Smith
President, Williamson College, Founder, Oxygen for Leaders, Inc.

When it seemed America was suffering addiction more than ever before, God raised up Neil Anderson to write Victory Over the Darkness to help people to walk through the steps to victory over addiction. I have used Neil’s steps to victory in my teaching at Liberty University, and I have outlined his Steps to Freedom in Christ in my writings. Praise God for the contribution of Neil Anderson to the Christian church and for the contribution of this awesome book.
Elmer L. Towns
Co-founder and Vice President, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia

This book is as relevant today as when it was first released. New readers will find life-transforming insights and practical guidance on every page. It is still the first book I recommend to those who need to be grounded in their identity in Christ.
Dr. Marcus Warner

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