Title: Hurricanes, Author: Cari Meister
Title: Nino and la Nina, Author: Sally Rose
Title: Cabin Creek #4: The Haunting of Hillside School, Author: Cody Rutty
Title: Climate Emergency Atlas: What's Happening - What We Can Do, Author: Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff
Title: All about Tsunamis for Kids, Author: Sylvia Miner
Title: Cabin Creek #5: The Blizzard on Blue Mountain, Author: Kristiana Gregory
Title: Environmental Awareness: Acid Rain, Author: Mary Ellen Snodgrass
Title: Poseidon's Adventures:, Author: Will Benhardt
Title: All about Hurricanes for Kids, Author: Joseph Madden
Title: Rising Above Global Warming, Author: B J Defrancesco
Title: love My Planet, Author: One at Last