Title: Ancient Greece (DK Eyewitness Books Series), Author: Anne Pearson
Title: Where Is the Parthenon?, Author: Roberta Edwards
Title: Ancient Greece, Author: Nancy Ohlin
Title: Hands-On History! Ancient Greece: Step into the world of the classical Greeks, with 15 step-by-step projects and 350 exciting pictures, Author: Richard Tames
Title: The Hero Schliemann: The Dreamer Who Dug for Troy, Author: Laura Amy Schlitz
eBook $6.99 $7.99 Current price is $6.99, Original price is $7.99.
Title: Children's Encyclopedia of the Ancient World: Step back in time to discover the wonders of the Stone Age, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Aztecs and Maya, the Incas, Ancient China and Ancient Japan, Author: John Haywood
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Title: Where Is the Parthenon?, Author: Roberta Edwards
Title: Ancient Greek Daily Life, Author: Henry Bensinger
Explore Series
Hardcover $17.54 $24.60 Current price is $17.54, Original price is $24.60.
Title: Greece, Author: Kim Etingoff
Title: If I Were a Kid in Ancient Greece (Children of the Ancient World Series), Author: Cobblestone Publishing
Title: Digging for Troy: From Homer to Hisarlik, Author: Eric H. Cline
Title: Ancient Greece, Author: Philip Steele
Title: Ancient Greece, Author: Nancy Ohlin
Title: Classical Kids: An Activity Guide to Life in Ancient Greece and Rome, Author: Laurie Carlson
Title: It's all about... Glorious Greeks, Author: Editors of Kingfisher
Title: Ancient Greeks Sticker Book: Create spectacular Greek sticker scenes!, Author: Joshua George
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Title: Greece, Author: Julie Murray
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Title: Artemisia of Caria, Author: Shirin Yim Bridges