Title: The True Story of Zuo Zongtang, Author: Baoheng Wang
Title: Biography of Pocket Pavilion 4: The Yu Minhong Biography, Author: Zhen Tang
Title: The Biography of Li Hongzhang, Author: Ying Li
Title: Biography of Pocket Pavilion 4: The Ma Yun Biography, Author: Shuxia Liu
Title: Biography of Pocket Pavilion 4: The Li Yanhong Biography, Author: Li Zhang
Title: Biography of Pocket Pavilion 4: The Ma Huateng Biography, Author: Ruipeng Shao
Title: Legend of Zong Qinghou:Struggle Legend of Civilian's Richest Man, Author: Guozhang Wang
Title: The Biography of Hu Xueyan, Author: Hailin Wang
Title: The He Shen Biography, Author: Shuxia Liu
Title: The Zeng Guofan Biography, Author: Li Zhang
Title: The Biography of Zhang Juzheng, Author: Wenjing Yang
Title: Biography of Pocket Pavilion 4: The Li Shufu Biography, Author: Baoheng Wang
Title: Biography of Pocket Pavilion 4: The Wang Shi Biography, Author: Ying Li