Title: Of Crimes and Punishments, Author: Cesare Beccaria
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Title: Legal Rights of Prisoners: Cases and Comments / Edition 1, Author: James F. Anderson
Title: The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment, Author: Franklin E. Zimring
Title: The Boys on the Tracks: Death, denial, and a mother's crusade to bring her son's killers to justice, Author: Mara Leveritt
Title: Pleading Not Guilty in a Criminal Matter, Author: Florin Curta
Title: The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap, Author: Matt Taibbi
Title: The Chickenshit Club: Why the Justice Department Fails to Prosecute Executives, Author: Jesse Eisinger
Title: Silent Rage: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer, Author: Michael Newton
Title: The Crime Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained, Author: Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff
Title: The Devil's Dozen: How Cutting-Edge Forensics Took Down 12 Notorious Serial Killers, Author: Katherine Ramsland
Title: The Autobiography of an Execution, Author: David R. Dow
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#2 in Series
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Title: Guilty Until Proven Innocent (2014): A Practitioner's and Judge's Guide to the Pennsylvania Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA), Author: J. Andrew Salemme
Title: Texas Death Row, Author: Bill Crawford

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